Friday, August 14, 2009

Pronunciation Guide

A lot, if not most of you, are wondering how to pronounce the title of the project, Sou da Bahia, a Portuguese phrase which, when translated directly into English, means "I'm from Bahia". Well, since none of us understand the upside down "e"s and those weird dictionary pronunciation guides, we're going to give it to you straight—phonetic style.

The first two words are easy. You can say them like "So" and "dah." Bahia, though it has an "h" in the middle, carries no "h" sound. Instead you say it like this:


The tonic syllable, or accent, goes on the "EE" part.

So all together, in a flowing, sing-songy kind of voice:

"So dah Bye-EE-ah!"

And there you have it.

Some of you might ask, "Why didn't you just name it I'm from Bahia? After all, it is for primarily English speaking audiences."

A good question, and not one taken lightly either. We decided to keep the title in Portuguese because of it's deeper connotations. Saying "Sou da Bahia" doesn't just mean "I'm from Bahia." It's a label of pride. It's a mark of honor. It's a feeling and a sentiment that can't be translated directly. So we didn't try.

We hope that the show itself will communicate the title's deeper meaning, and give some insight—no matter how limited—into what it means to be da Bahia.

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